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Wednesday 11 January 2012

What Shall You Write?

What do you want to tell the world about? Is there a story bouncing around in your head that's trying to get out? Is there a special topic that you're passionate about?

There is truth in the old adage: Write what you know. The problem is that the new and emerging writer takes that statement literally. May Sarton says:

      "Anyone who is going to be a writer knows enough at 15 to write several novels."

You have a lifetime of experiences particular to you that provide you with fuel for a wealth of stories. You've had emotions that you need to grab hold of and place into your writing. You don't need to be a down and out doctor whose forced to confront his frustration and loss of control when he's required to perform emergency surgery in the outback in Australia. Heck, you may not know about doctoring or Australia. That stuff you can research but you do know about frustration, loss of control and facing those demons. You just give those feelings to your character. You write what you know. You write the emotions you know.

What do you want to write about today?

Join us at Fraser Valley Writers' School for one of our winter classes like Introduction to Creative Writing, Character Development, or The Writer's Toolbox. Our discounts for multiple class registration continue for the next few days.

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